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Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Postik it!

As you know im focusing on social assumptions and socially constructed ideas for my artwork, mainly because it is something i really enjoy investigating. when contemplating a question I had been asked, "who makes the rules/who tells you what do do?" I began to think about how it is our society that encourages how we answer, and the groups we place ourselves in. i wanted to find out what others thought the answer to this question would be and discoverd a pattern in answers. I found that any individual who participates in more artistic and 'feminine' subjects such as; art, english and sociology would answer with; 'me'. However, those who indulge in more mathmatical 'male' subjects such as; maths, history and sciences replied with answers such as; 'the government', 'you' and even 'my mum and dad' this could suggest that those who take more mathmatical subjects are in less control of there lives and are being directed by those around them. whereas the more artistic participants are more self controlled and believe in there own ideas.
each person was asked individually and were hopefully not influenced by other people. with the results i created a wall of ideas. the ideas of British society.

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