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Monday, 8 November 2010

Society's assumptions

In our society we are too quick to make an assumption about a person based on their apperance, wheter there a 'Dumb Blonde' or not your 'typical' pop singer. This clip from Piers Morgans life stories highlights just how quick we are to judge someone by apperance alone.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Slip Casting

Slip casting is a simple method of reproducing ceramic objects. It offers the advantage of making large numbers of exact replicas of an original model-such as identical sets of plates, ash trays, vases, statuettes and bowls.

Casting slip is made from clay in dry form and water in proper proportions and of the proper consistency.

The moulds for slip casting are made of plaster of Paris. When slip is poured into the cavity of the mould, the plaster of Paris immediately begins to absorb water out of the slip, causing clay to form and thicken where it is in contact with the plaster walls. When the clay has formed to the proper thickness, the remaining slip in the centre of the mould cavity can be drained off. The clay in contact with the plaster remains and is permitted to stay until it dries sufficiently to attain a leather like consistency.

If there is not sufficient water in the slip when it is first made, the pouring of the slip into the mould will be uneven, and the clay will form unevenly against the inside surfaces of the mould.